Linux Basic Commands You Need to Know

So, you've decided to dive into the world of Linux? Great choice! Whether you're new to this or just brushing up on your skills, knowing some basic commands can make your life a whole lot easier. Let's walk through some of the essential Linux commands that you'll use frequently.

Understanding how to move around your filesystem is the first step in mastering Linux. Here are a few commands you'll use all the time.

The pwd Command

pwd stands for "print working directory". It shows you where you are in the filesystem.

$ pwd

When you run pwd, it simply tells you the path to your current directory. This can be really handy if you get lost in the terminal.

The ls Command

The ls command lists the files and directories in your current directory.

$ ls
Documents  Downloads  Music  Pictures  Videos

Using ls helps you see what's inside your current directory. Add -l for a detailed list, including permissions, owner, size, and modification date.

$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 0 Jun 16 08:47 Documents
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 0 Jun 16 08:47 Downloads

The cd Command

cd stands for "change directory". It lets you move around the filesystem.

$ cd Documents
$ pwd

Use cd followed by the path to go to a different directory. To go back to the home directory, just type cd without any arguments.

Manipulating Files and Directories

Next up, let's talk about creating, moving, and deleting files and directories. These are the building blocks of organizing your data.

The touch Command

The touch command creates a new empty file.

$ touch myfile.txt
$ ls

With touch, you can quickly create new files. This is useful for setting up project files or placeholders.

The mkdir Command

mkdir stands for "make directory". It creates a new directory.

$ mkdir myfolder
$ ls

Creating directories with mkdir helps you organize your files. Use it to keep your projects and documents tidy.

The mv Command

The mv command moves or renames files and directories.

$ mv myfile.txt myfolder/
$ ls myfolder

Move files around or rename them using mv. It's an essential tool for file management.

The rm Command

The rm command deletes files. Be careful with this one!

$ rm myfolder/myfile.txt
$ ls myfolder

rm removes files and directories. To delete directories and their contents, use rm -r.

Viewing and Editing Files

Sometimes, you need to look inside files or make quick edits. Here are some commands to do that.

The cat Command

cat is short for "concatenate". It displays the contents of a file.

$ cat myfile.txt
Hello, Linux!

Use cat to quickly see what's inside a file. It's simple and efficient.

The nano Editor

nano is a straightforward text editor for making changes to files.

$ nano myfile.txt

Open nano, edit your file, and then save it with Ctrl + O and exit with Ctrl + X. It's user-friendly and perfect for beginners.

Getting Help

Sometimes you might need help with a command. Linux has built-in tools for that.

The man Command

man stands for "manual". It displays the manual page for a command.

$ man ls

Using man, you can get detailed information about how to use commands. It's like having a built-in reference guide.

The --help Option

Most commands support a --help option that gives a quick overview of how to use them.

$ ls --help

Use --help with any command to get a summary of options and usage. It's a quick way to learn on the go.


That's it for the basics! With these commands, you're well on your way to becoming comfortable with Linux. Practice them, and soon they'll become second nature. Happy coding!

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Sami Rahimi

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